Frequently Asked Questions


How often should I practice Breathwork?

Breathwork is completely safe to do everyday. Personally, I would do a quick 5 minute session in the morning before a meditation, however, if I need to gain more clarity or shake off stagnant energy that is not serving me, I would complete a full 45 minute session.

Can Breathwork cure depression and anxiety?

Absolutely, yes. There are a number of qualitative studies around the world that show that breathwork can help people with anxiety and depression, but that is not all. People who do 4-7 minutes of breathwork every day for two weeks report a whole host of benefits, including a reduced fear of death and an increased joy for life. If done correctly, it can also put you in a trance like state.

Can Breathwork release trauma and help with PTSD?

Breathwork treatments is indeed a powerful way of releasing trauma and purging the body of the stress responses, which are the body's reaction to the trauma. Breathwork can help to release old stuck emotions, physical pain and often even PTSD. It is a very powerful technique that is really amazing, but it should be used only with the help of a professional person who is trained in the technique.

Do you offer a payment plan for your services?

We do offer payment plans for our premium services such as our Mentorship Program, Level Up Challenge and Breathwork Course, however, if the existing payment plans do not suit you financially, feel free to drop us a line at and we can tailor a flexible payment option that suits your needs.

Should you do Breathwork before or after Meditation?

It is best to do breathwork for about 20 minutes before meditation. This will help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and allow you to ease into your meditation.

What are the benefits of Breathwork?

Breathwork has a multitude of benefits to improve your physical and mental health. Personally, breathwork has helped me to reduce stress, increase my energy levels, improve my mood and self-esteem. It really has changed my life for the better and it can for you too.

Is Breathwork good for you?

Breathwork helps to release all the unwanted trauma that you have ever faced in your life. It boosts your energy levels, improves your sleep, and gives you psychological strength.  Breathwork is a recommended technique to anyone who is facing a kind of difficulty that they want to conquer in their lives. Read my blog, "Why Breathwork Is So Powerful – Mind, Body and Spirit" to find out more.

Is Breathwork scientifically proven?

There have been many studies that has proven the validity of Breathwork as a practice. I have written a blog titled, "The Science of Breathwork" that goes into further detail.

Is Breathwork safe?

Yes, breathwork is safe to do. The breathing technique that I share may feel a bit challenging to begin with, and some people may feel discomfort in the chest area. However, these are normal reactions. As long as you are following a qualified practitioner's guidance, and not performing the techniques alone, you should feel comfortable with the process.

Can Breathwork heal the body?

Engaging in a breathwork practice on a long term basis can help you heal on a cellular level and eliminate pain and inflammation. As we breathe deeply, we stimulate the vagus nerve in the gut which helps create a state of inner-calm and suppress your inflammation response, helping you feel less inflammation and pain. As well as this, it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure due to creating this inner calm.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a therapeutic practice that uses controlled breathing to enhance the body's ability to heal itself. Breathwork practitioners focus on the power of the breath to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. Breathwork techniques are similar to those used in meditation. Breathwork practitioners believe that proper breathing creates a link between the body, mind, and emotions. As you focus on your breathing, you can often release repressed feelings, improve self-esteem and imbalances in the body. By focusing on your breath during a session, you can eliminate stress, release negative emotions and increase overall health.

Who should not do Breathwork?

Breathwork is for healthy people. It is not for people who are currently suffering from a medical condition such as epilepsy/seizures, anyone who is pregnant or has a history severe mental illness. Some other conditions include; Panic Attacks or Psychosis, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Aneurysms or Heavily Medicated Individuals.

Who invented Breathwork?

There are multiple significant people in history that are credited with being the innovators and originators of breathwork. The father of Breathwork is most often accredited to Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a psychoanalyst. He was born on the 18th of March 1897 in Galicia, Austria-Hungary and died on 3rd of November 1957 in Orgonon, Maine, U.S.A. He is believed to be the first to use breathing and bodywork as a means to alter unhealthful body-mind states.

What is the difference between Meditation and Breathwork?

Meditation is a systematic approach to gaining control over our thoughts and emotions. It is about removing the barriers between us and the present moment. Breathwork is about connecting with our body’s energy and letting go of stress, tension and anxiety. It is a powerful tool for self-healing and renewal. Meditation and breathwork have some similarities. Both help one to connect with oneself and find inner peace. Breathwork is based on breathing exercises, which can be seen as an advanced form of meditation.

Why is Breathwork so important?

Breathing is a natural function, but it's also critical to how we feel. When we feel stressed or anxious, breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and we don't get enough oxygen. Deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to help the body return to a state of calm. In addition to being a great relaxation technique, regular deep breathing can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, improve energy and focus, and help us to think more clearly.

What happens after Breathwork?

You will experience a sense of peace, calmness, and rightness. You will feel the energy in you become clearer and sharper. You will feel your connection with yourself improve and you will have an experience of oneness. You will feel more energy, more vitality, and life becomes easier. Your tolerance for stress will improve, have less mood swings and regain a new found zest for life.

For Individuals

How to prepare for a Breathwork session?

Wear comfortable clothing as most of the session will take place cross-legged and/or laying down. In breathwork it’s common to feel cold so bring a warm top. Water bottles and a journal for post-session self-reflection are welcome. Most importantly, bring an open heart and open mind :)

What can I expect to feel from my first Breathwork session?

Here are the most common feelings people may feel during a breathwork session:

Tetany: Your hands may cramp up into lobster claws during a session. This is completely normal and your bodies way of releasing energy.

Emotional: It is very common to either laugh hysterically, cry uncontrollably or have a need to just scream. These are normal reactions and a great way to release pent up energy.

Body temperature: It is normal to feel hot or cold during a session. That is just energy moving through your body.

Movement: During a session, your body might move or shake. This is completely normal.

For Coaches

How often should I practice Breathwork?

Breathwork is completely safe to do everyday. Personally, I would do a quick 5 minute session in the morning before a meditation, however, if I need to gain more clarity or shake off stagnant energy that is not serving me, I would complete a full 45 minute session.

Can Breathwork cure depression and anxiety?

Absolutely, yes. There are a number of qualitative studies around the world that show that breathwork can help people with anxiety and depression, but that is not all. People who do 4-7 minutes of breathwork every day for two weeks report a whole host of benefits, including a reduced fear of death and an increased joy for life. If done correctly, it can also put you in a trance like state.

Can Breathwork release trauma and help with PTSD?

Breathwork treatments is indeed a powerful way of releasing trauma and purging the body of the stress responses, which are the body's reaction to the trauma. Breathwork can help to release old stuck emotions, physical pain and often even PTSD. It is a very powerful technique that is really amazing, but it should be used only with the help of a professional person who is trained in the technique.

Do you offer a payment plan for your services?

We do offer payment plans for our premium services such as our Mentorship Program, Level Up Challenge and Breathwork Course, however, if the existing payment plans do not suit you financially, feel free to drop us a line at and we can tailor a flexible payment option that suits your needs.

Should you do Breathwork before or after Meditation?

It is best to do breathwork for about 20 minutes before meditation. This will help activate your parasympathetic nervous system and allow you to ease into your meditation.

What are the benefits of Breathwork?

Breathwork has a multitude of benefits to improve your physical and mental health. Personally, breathwork has helped me to reduce stress, increase my energy levels, improve my mood and self-esteem. It really has changed my life for the better and it can for you too.

Is Breathwork good for you?

Breathwork helps to release all the unwanted trauma that you have ever faced in your life. It boosts your energy levels, improves your sleep, and gives you psychological strength.  Breathwork is a recommended technique to anyone who is facing a kind of difficulty that they want to conquer in their lives. Read my blog, "Why Breathwork Is So Powerful – Mind, Body and Spirit" to find out more.

Is Breathwork scientifically proven?

There have been many studies that has proven the validity of Breathwork as a practice. I have written a blog titled, "The Science of Breathwork" that goes into further detail.

Is Breathwork safe?

Yes, breathwork is safe to do. The breathing technique that I share may feel a bit challenging to begin with, and some people may feel discomfort in the chest area. However, these are normal reactions. As long as you are following a qualified practitioner's guidance, and not performing the techniques alone, you should feel comfortable with the process.

Can Breathwork heal the body?

Engaging in a breathwork practice on a long term basis can help you heal on a cellular level and eliminate pain and inflammation. As we breathe deeply, we stimulate the vagus nerve in the gut which helps create a state of inner-calm and suppress your inflammation response, helping you feel less inflammation and pain. As well as this, it can lower your heart rate and blood pressure due to creating this inner calm.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork is a therapeutic practice that uses controlled breathing to enhance the body's ability to heal itself. Breathwork practitioners focus on the power of the breath to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. Breathwork techniques are similar to those used in meditation. Breathwork practitioners believe that proper breathing creates a link between the body, mind, and emotions. As you focus on your breathing, you can often release repressed feelings, improve self-esteem and imbalances in the body. By focusing on your breath during a session, you can eliminate stress, release negative emotions and increase overall health.

Who should not do Breathwork?

Breathwork is for healthy people. It is not for people who are currently suffering from a medical condition such as epilepsy/seizures, anyone who is pregnant or has a history severe mental illness. Some other conditions include; Panic Attacks or Psychosis, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Aneurysms or Heavily Medicated Individuals.

Who invented Breathwork?

There are multiple significant people in history that are credited with being the innovators and originators of breathwork. The father of Breathwork is most often accredited to Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a psychoanalyst. He was born on the 18th of March 1897 in Galicia, Austria-Hungary and died on 3rd of November 1957 in Orgonon, Maine, U.S.A. He is believed to be the first to use breathing and bodywork as a means to alter unhealthful body-mind states.

What is the difference between Meditation and Breathwork?

Meditation is a systematic approach to gaining control over our thoughts and emotions. It is about removing the barriers between us and the present moment. Breathwork is about connecting with our body’s energy and letting go of stress, tension and anxiety. It is a powerful tool for self-healing and renewal. Meditation and breathwork have some similarities. Both help one to connect with oneself and find inner peace. Breathwork is based on breathing exercises, which can be seen as an advanced form of meditation.

Why is Breathwork so important?

Breathing is a natural function, but it's also critical to how we feel. When we feel stressed or anxious, breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and we don't get enough oxygen. Deep breathing is one of the most effective ways to help the body return to a state of calm. In addition to being a great relaxation technique, regular deep breathing can reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, improve energy and focus, and help us to think more clearly.

What happens after Breathwork?

You will experience a sense of peace, calmness, and rightness. You will feel the energy in you become clearer and sharper. You will feel your connection with yourself improve and you will have an experience of oneness. You will feel more energy, more vitality, and life becomes easier. Your tolerance for stress will improve, have less mood swings and regain a new found zest for life.

Sarah Michaels sitting on a mat with her legs crossed and smiling at the camera

Sarah Michaels

Instructor & Coach

I am a passionate, loving and experienced Breathwork Facilitator who creates a safe and welcoming space for my clients to release what is no longer serving them. Passionate about helping others, I share my own stories with courageous authenticity, inviting you to fully express yourself in the safe container that I provide.

I have extensively trained in various breathwork modalities and been coached by some of the most prominent healing figures in industry such as Gabor Mate, Sadguru, and Tony Robbins. I have created my very own unique style of breathwork that is designed to help you connect with the world, connect with yourself and heal your mind, body and soul so you are at peace. Come join me in my mission to heal the world one breath at a time.

Sarah looking at the camera

Sarah Michaels

Breathwork Facilitator, Trainer & Confidence/Anxiety Coach

Sarah Michaels signature written in white pen

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